Wednesday, December 28, 2011

counting the time ...

It's December 28, 2011, already.
I'm making a mental note that 2012 really is just around the corner (believe me, I do try).
Whether I like it or not, ready or not, the future is coming.
More resolutions, more hopes, more happiness, more challenges.
A New Year is always feels like a new beginning.

Cloudy moody morning awaits for another pouring rain.
Looking outside my window, and the cast of grey is so dominant.

I miss my hubby so much, I feel just as moody as the weather outside.
Keep on reminding myself that he'll be back home tomorrow evening.
Oh, if only he wasn't so afraid of flying, he would be here a lot sooner. A day sooner!
In the meantime, I have our most precious beloved son here accompany me with all his curiosity and cuteness. The love of my life.

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