Sunday, January 1, 2012

happy new year 2012

It was a good day, the sun was shining, the cloud was faded.
Mom wanted to go to Plaza Indonesia to hunt for some discounted tops, skirts, pants, and lingerie, at Marks&Spencer (on the 2nd floor). So while she was in her little paradise, I was a bit hungry. I told hubby that I wanted to enjoy some yummy Japanese food at Grand Beppu (on the 4th floor). He took me there, then went to buy his fave snacks and drink at YaKunKaya (so close to Grand Beppu). Though there's a sign that forbid people to bring food from the outside, the kind waiter let hubby to bring in his snacks and drink inside. What a fun afternoon meal to enjoy together.

Miso Soup at Grand Beppu, Plaza Indonesia 4th floor

Unagi Donburi at Grand Beppu, Plaza Indonesia 4th floor

Then we did a book hunting at one of my fave bookstores in the city : bookstore.
There are so many books on sale. But none really caught my attention.
Hubby showed me this red PARISIAN CHIC book. It was on the NEW ARRIVAL shelves, obviously not on discount.
I peeked inside, and instantly fell in love with the whole content of the book.
Hubby bought it for me. Oooww, that's so sweet of him.
Thank you, honey, I love you so much, sweetie pie (^.^)v

Parisian Chic (front cover)
Bought at bookstore, Plaza Indonesia 5th floor

Parisian Chic (back cover)
Bought at bookstore, Plaza Indonesia 5th floor

When we went back to Marks&Spencer, mom was so happy with her purchase.
She visited her other fave shops that have BIG SALE written all over the front glasses of the shops, till dinner time.
We took her to Duck King (on the 4th floor), where she could enjoyed her fave roasted duck and special fried rice, before headed back home.

What a lovely day to make mom happy.
I love you, mom. And happy New Year too (^.^)v

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